This is a great challenge to advertisers and producers also; starting from the product name, to the product theme, to the product description, to the label, to the applications, and to the slogan. The marketing of a product depends on all of them. An advertiser may not know really that this is so.

The name of a product is what gives it a name so that it can be identified as a commodity or services. This is known as the product's specific name. This specific name registers the existence of the product in the market. It is the second identification given to the product after the general identification. The general identification is the common name for all the types of that product. For example; Specific name: Gleen water.
Common name: Water.
A good advertiser or producer should be very careful in giving a name to his product. You can't just give a name to your product arbitrarily. You should follow some tactical steps. Your mission is to market your product and nothing less.
Some of those tactical steps I suggest you should follow are;
-the name (which is the specific) should be close to the common name
-it should be easy to pronounce
-it should be easy to spell
-the sound should be pleasing to the ear
-it should not be a fowl name
-it should not be a very local native name
-it should be a contemporary name
-it should be a name that will last for very long, as long as the product exists
-it should be related to or represent one of the good qualities of the common name of the product. In the example I gave above, I used 'Gleen' water. The word 'Gleen' represents and sounds like 'Clean'. 'Clean' relates and also represents one of the good qualities of the common name which is 'Water'. Of course you should know that drinkable or usable water should be clean. The word 'Gleen' also satisfies most of these tactical steps.
Whenever a customer thinks about buying water, either bottled or sachet, the product that will always come to his mind is the one whose name satisfies all the steps above. Such a name may turn into a household name, and even the youngest kid in the family may always be singing with it.

The theme is the sub name of the product. After the common name, you get the specific name, and now here is the theme.
A theme goes ahead to designate the importance of or the reason for the specific name. It defines the specific name the more. The bottled water that has its name as 'Gleen' may have its theme as 'Gleen your thirst'. These two words in the theme, 'Gleen' and 'Thirst' are draining down more appropriateness of the specific name, 'Gleen', to the product. 'Thirst' is a sensation that needs to be satisfied by drinking water. It now seems that the theme has knitted one of the good qualities of water and one of its uses into one. A theme creates a relationship between the product and the specific name.
Theme is optional anyway, not every advertiser or producer may want to include it. But one thing is this; theme will go a long way in filtering the specific name into the minds of the customers.

Description offers more identification and exposure to the product. For the product we are following, the description name may be, ''Gleen is the right bottled water for you whenever you are thirsty''
Of course, the description is needed by the advertiser. Description is an attention winner. It wins the attention of the customers. The specific name alone or the theme may not be strong enough to draw the attention of the customers. Customers always want to hear a lot of convincing words before they can be moved.

Label is more of the description. The label to the product we are following may read, ''Gleen is the right bottled water for you whenever you are thirsty. It is ozonised, pure and hygienically packed to ensure it gets down your guts to really keep you cool''
At this point, the customers' attentions are now gradually turning to you. (Smiles)

Application is all about the importance and uses of the product. You go ahead listing all its possible uses.
This point is very important as it is the main reason why a customer would want to buy the product. After all the reason for buying a product is to make use of it.
The advertiser should be elaborate here. He should try and point out all the possible uses and applications of the product. Customers often have a particular application they have in mind and unless the advertiser mentions it, they may not be willing to buy.

Slogan is a short phrase or clause which finally drives in all of the information of the product into the customers. It takes over the whole thoughts of the customers as it turns out to be the last information they will hear about the product.
Being the last information they will hear, it will consequently be the first they will remember when they get home. Remembering the slogan first will now mean that the slogan is the tool info which will engineer them into remembering all of the info about the product. May be they forgot the theme, the label, the application, and the description; but with the slogan which is still fresh in their mind, they have no problem again.
The slogan of the product we have been following can be, ''clean and pure like no other''

Now, let's just move away from this product which has been used as an example.
Slogan is a very important asset in advertising. It can turn out to be a veritable tool for trademark. It is something that once mentioned, anybody in its hearing will quickly confess to the product that owns it.
Slogan can be very powerful if the advertiser can be very powerful too, in creating a good one.

Written by: Winston 'Winny Greazy' Oge

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